
September 24, 2009

Ridiculous: The Tea Party Protest in D.C. 9/12

In all my life I've never seen such a large group of uninformed, unintelligent, and completely ignorant people all together in one place. Now obviously everybody there wasn't as extreme as everyone shown in the video, but there is a HUGE difference between voicing an informed opinion and spouting some bullshit rhetoric that you saw on TV. I am glad to say though, beyond all of this propaganda-driven lunacy, there are millions of people who are actively making progressive changes in this country. It's just messed up that there are many more millions of Americans who disagree with what these people are saying but remain stuck on the couch screaming at the TV or just "beat a dead horse" while debating with peers, instead of actually going out and making a difference too.

- Steve Tyson Jr.

September 20, 2009

Lyrical God - Ammunition (With 2 Pens & A Table!)

Dude is a beast on this track "Ammunition"! His name Lyrical God is for certain, but what trumps the flow is his ability to bang out a heavy beat with just two pens on a wood table. It's pretty coincidental how the heavy snare pen is reminiscent of the clap of a gun too. Gotta give him his props... and it's good to see the pulse of Hip-Hop still beating strong.

- Steve Tyson Jr.

Loon Discusses His Conversion To Islam!

Loon (now Amir Junaid Muhadith), formerly of Bad Boy Entertainment, sits down with The Deen Show in Dubai, UAE to discuss his conversion to the Islamic faith and how it has given his life peace & inspired a new musical creativity. Check out the full 28 minute interview and drop a comment! Do you think there will be more MC's who are unafraid to throw away stereotypical imagery of a "rapper" and follow their own journey to create the true music that they want to make?

- Steve Tyson Jr.